§staticmap(10706,5,450,250)On April 29 2012, you’ll be organizing the Gettysburg North-South Marathon. Can you tell us where it is located?
The race is located in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (United States).
How old is the race and why was it created in the first place?
This will be the 2nd edition of the race. It was created to give people an opportunity to run the premier distance of 26.2 miles (42.2km) in a historic pace.
What kind of route have you set up for the runners? How would you describe it?
The route will be a loop course with rolling hills. The first half of the race will be more challenging with most of the uphills and the second half will be mostly downhill.
How many runners do you expect on Sunday morning? What type of runners do you plan to attract?
We had a sell out in 2011 with 900 individuals and 100 relay teams. I expect approximately 1,400 individuals and 100 relay teams in 2012. Because of the history behind Gettysburg, the race draws from people throughout the United States.
Do you organize other races during the Week-End? If so, on what distances?
There is a marathon relay that will allow teams of 4 to run the marathon in sections.
At that time of the year, what kind of weather can we expect?
Weather is ideal for running in the early morning and slightly warm by the time late finishers complete the race on average.
Have you planned festivities around the marathon?
Nothing specific for 2012 yet.
The race finished, what advice would you give a runner who has never been to Gettysburg before? A good restaurant, a fancy sightseeing?
Gettysburg is the site of the largest battle of the American Civil War. Approximately 50,000 people died there over three days in 1863. There are many historic sites to visit before or after the race.
In a single sentence, what would you tell the readers of ahotu Marathons to make them register for the Gettysburg North-South Marathon?
This historic race takes part in a historic small town of Gettysburg and travels through the famous battlefields and scenic countryside passing by farms and orchards.
Interview with Lowell Ladd, race director. Lowell has run 16 marathons with a personal best of 2:22:34 and having won 6 of those races. He is also a personal running coach, and the manager of 2LCoaching.com.