Maratòn Alpino Madrileño

Cercedilla, Madrid, Spain
15-16 Jun, 2024 (Sat - Sun)

Trail running

19 km, 44 km

About the event

The Madrid Alpine Marathon is set to take place in the stunning Sierra de Guadarrama mountain range, located in the centre of Spain. This is one of the most difficult marathons in the world, with a course length of 44km and an elevation gain/loss of 5,800m. Runners will be able to explore the beautiful Spanish countryside, with winding trails through meadows and forests. Take advantage of this great opportunity to explore the stunning region of Spain and to test your physical and mental limits. Don't miss out on this unforgettable challenge – the Madrid Alpine Marathon!

Races offered by this event

Cross Alpino del Telégrafo

15 Jun, 2024 (Sat)
Trail running
19 km
1960 m of elevation gain
1960 m of elevation drop
On site
Mountain range

Maratòn Alpino Madrileño

16 Jun, 2024 (Sun)
Trail running
44 km
5800 m of elevation gain
On site
Mountain range

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